
Showing posts from May, 2018

Cara Membuat Mie Aceh Lezat

Mengenal Mie Aceh Sejak zaman dahulu, Aceh terkenal sebagai pintu masuk bagi para pendatang dari luar Nusantara Akibatnya, banyak budaya asing pun masuk dan memengaruhi budaya lokal Aceh, termasuk dalam hal kuliner. Mie Aceh merupakan salah satu bukti adanya akulturasi budaya kuliner tersebut. Sebetulnya, tidak ada yang tahu persis sejarah mie Aceh. Namun, dilihat dari komposisinya, mie Aceh diyakini sebagai perpaduan antara Aceh, India, dan China. Mie merupakan makanan tradisional khas Cina, India dikenal dengan masakan berkuah kari kental, sementara Aceh termasyhur dengan kekayaan aneka rempah. Penggunaan daging kambing, sapi tidak lepas dari pengaruh nilai-nilai Islam. Sedangkan seafood digunakan karena Aceh dikelilingi oleh lautan luas seperti Selat Malaka, Laut Andama, dan Samudera Hindia. Bagi umat Islam, mie Aceh merupakan salah satu kuliner mie yang terjamin kehalalannya. Ada yang unik berkaitan dengan nama mie Aceh. Sebetulnya, masyarakat Aceh tidak mengenal nama “mie A
Discovering and Understanding Your Life Purpose What is it that you're missing in your life? What is it that you'd most like to have? Would you like more love, more freedom, more peace? In life, we strive and fight in our lives to get whatever it is that we believe we need or want. We reach personal and professional goals and acquire what we can afford. But is that what life is really about? Is that what makes our soul thrive and feel happy? Is it what makes me satisfied and complete? Look inside you. What are you missing? What haven't you got enough of? What would you like to have more of? What do you dream of having? If your life ended today, what would you be sorry you never got? What would you miss? If you dream of having things, what need are those things trying to satisfy? What do they give you? What do they make you feel, power, satisfaction, peace... ? If you dream of reaching goal after goal, what does success mean to you? What does it give you? Those thi